South America

South America
Itinerary Map

South America Travel Itinerary


July 27 - July 29, 2007: Winery near Talca, Chile - (see Vineyards - Maule Valley)July 30 - Aug 1, 2007: Santiago, Chile - Accomodations: Hostel Bellavista

Aug 1 - Aug 13, 2007: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Aug 13 - Aug 27, 2007: Rio de Janeiro

Friday, January 4, 2008

Chorillana - The Chilean Cheesesteak Equivalent

Tonight, on a whim, in a attempt to eat economically, Philip and I decided to sample some very typical Chilean street fare. To do so, we chose a small counter-service restaurant where everything was prepared on a greased up griddle next to the counter. The restaurant despite being cheap and basic had a great design (simple steel with green accents) and even better was the woman who ran it. She guided us through an extensive list of options with a very motherly approach ( since there wasn't a proper menu). We ultimately settled on something known as a "Chorrillana." This picture is not of what we actually ate since I didn't bring my camera (our's was much more picturesque). That said, a Chorillana is french fries covered with fried onions, thinly sliced beef, and two fried eggs. The onions and sliced beef is cooked together on a griddle just like a philly cheesesteak and tastes remarkably similar. It is best eaten lathered in ketchup and a spicy Aji sauce. I really enjoyed it - a perfect last meal in Chile!Mickey

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